Speech and language therapy at KidTherapy focuses on helping children reach their optimal potential to be effective communicators. We use highly specialized sensory-motor-cognitive approaches to specifically address each child’s individual speech and language needs while they are involved in fun and highly motivating activities. Therapists at KidTherapy also provide expert interventions for children experiencing oral-motor challenges affecting speech production skills or for those presenting with feeding and swallowing difficulties. At KidTherapy, we pride ourselves in establishing and maintaining a partnership with parents and caregivers to maximize success and carryover into the school and home environments.
We provide evaluation, consultation, and intervention to address speech sound production, expressive/receptive language, oral-motor, auditory processing, executive function, and feeding skills.
Expert Interventions Targeting the Following Areas:
- Articulation
- Phonology
- Language
- AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
- Oral-Motor
- Orofacial Myofunctional
- Feeding and Swallowing
- Auditory Processing
- Executive Function
- Gestalt Language Processing
Therapists have specialized trainings in the following programs:
- Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
- Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
- AEIOU (An Integrated Approach to Pediatric Feeding)
- Natural Language Acquisition
- DIR/Floortime