Take the frustration out of writing by creating a fun custom program for your child using proven methods.
Fine motor skills refer to the tasks that use the small muscles of the hand and fingers. Dexterity
is the coordination of the small muscle movements with the eyes. Precise fine motor skills are
needed for writing, keyboarding, self-care and overall play skills. Mastery of fine motor skills
allow for greater independence in life skills and classroom performance.
At KidTherapy, our therapists assess each child’s fine motor skill level and how it impacts upon
acquisition of functional tasks necessary for their age. Fun activities are incorporated into
treatment and home programs to keep your child engaged for long term functional
Handwriting is a life skill that we assess and work on at KidTherapy. Our therapists are trained
in a variety of handwriting programs in order to address each child’s individual needs as not
every child learns the same way. We primarily work with Handwriting Without Tears
(www.hwtears.com), Size Matters (www.realotsolutions.com), First Strokes
(www.thehandwritingclinic.com) and Loops and Groups (available at www.therapro.com). Fun
activities are integrated during treatment sessions and for home programs to keep your child
engaged in the handwriting experience.